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Friday, May 15, 2015

Five for Friday!

Hi!  I am so excited to be linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for a Five for Friday!  I haven't linked up in awhile and I am glad to be here.  I am also glad it is Friday.............that I will have blogged twice in a week (blogged yesterday about being awarded the Liebster Award!)..............and that I am posting a Five for Friday on a Friday!  It was a great week, but super busy.

We started out our week with a field trip to our local university - Pacific University.  It was such a good time.  We walked all over and the kiddos had fun, but they were exhausted.  Did you know this picture shows us walking up a big hill?  At least, according to my kinders.  They didn't know why we had to go up such a big hill!  Ha!  (It is a slight slant.)  

College students took us on a tour of the campus and talked about what it would be like if they went to college at Pacific.  They talked about different majors and showed us different buildings.  We saw the art building, the theatre, the cafeteria, the student union, the chemistry building (it was great because my hubby came out to say hello to us since we were in his building) and we even sat in a college classroom!

My school wants to plant the seeds of college and is trying to encourage our students that this is something they can do - and that college is possible!  This group of kinders will be the first group in our school that will visit a different college all 5 years that they are in our elementary school.  Yeah!

After we got back from the field trip, my amazing student teacher had the students create these beautiful stained glass butterflies for our window.  They are so cheery and brighten up our classroom.  She had the black butterfly outline precut.  She put contact paper down and then had the students stick tissue paper on it.  Next, we covered the other side with contact paper and then the students trimmed around the edges.  Now, we have such a lovely display in our classroom!  It was the perfect activity for after a field trip too.

That night (what a long day! Phew!), my husband and I sat down to grade.  He had just given his organic chemistry final (these college professors get out so much earlier than we do!) and I needed to grade our district math assessment.  We use pieces of Karen Jones' Kindergarten Common Core Math Assessment Pack.  I had been putting off grading and he actually motivated me to get started on it.  I cracked up looking at the difference of our work, but we have the grades covered in our house - from the beginning years, to higher education!

Wednesday I normally do 4 math center rotations because we have a long math block.  This past Wednesday I decided to mix it up though.  I had the children in their math station groups, but instead of rotating, we stayed with our groups and each group made a different zoo animal.  Today after school, my student teacher hung up their animals on my hall bulletin board.  It is so adorable!!!!  Seriously, I can't stand it.  These animal patterns come from Deanna Jump's Zoo Math and Literacy Fun packet.

I posted the lion pic (above) above on my instagram account on Wednesday.  I tagged Deanna Jump.  Well last night I screamed (literally) when I looked in my IG notifications.  I noticed Deanna Jump had not only liked and commented on my picture, but she started following me on IG!  WHAT?????  I am so flattered, honored, speechless, excited.............and just amazed.  Deanna Jump - TpT legend - is following my IG account.  Thanks so much Deanna.  You made my night, day, and whole weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Make sure to check out the linky party and see what other teacher bloggers are up to :)  Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Wow! Congratulations on the new follower! That is huge! I am curious about how long you keep the kids at one math station. I am teaching third, and I can't imagine getting four rotations of anything done!

    My Rainy Day Creations

    1. Hi Cate! Thanks :) I was pretty excited!!!! I have an hour and 15 minutes for a math block on WED. We tend to do math stations that are about 10-15 minutes long depending on the station. Probably 12 minutes on average. I love out WED schedule b/c we can complete a round of stations!

  2. I love Deanna's literacy and math packs! I just used her frog one a couple of weeks and the kids your "hopping" for joy over it !!:) I'll have to take a look at her zoo pack!
    What a difference a few years make in assessments. I loved your comparison picture of the 2 tests. But you are giving them a great foundation of what assessing will be like when they are older. It's not an easy feat for sure, but it sure makes the teachers of older grades happier when we at least give these kinders an idea of what testing is all about.
    Love the butterflies!! Enjoy your week!! lindaslearningloot

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Linda! I also have Deanna's frog unit. That metamorphosis song is too cute :) Yes, we got a kick out of the assessments we were grading. My husband can't believe the kind of things kinder do these days. He remembers the good ole' days of finger painting and snacks of graham crackers.
